
你是一个多层次的人,你的成就远远超出了你的GPA或成绩单. 我们竞争激烈的录取过程确保我们以这种方式看待你.

你想让我们看到你最好的一面. 伟大的! 我们也是. That’s why our admission process considers a number of factors to help us see you as a whole person.


  • 常见申请
  • 中学报告
  • 官方成绩单
  • 教师评价
    Completed by someone who has taught you in a college preparatory course in your sophomore, 大三或大四.
  • 年中报告
    Grades received in courses taken during the first semester of your senior year (for Regular Decision applicants only).
  • 国际申请者
    托福(英语作为外语的测试)的测试报告, 雅思(国际英语考试系统), 皮尔森PTE, 或通过多邻国英语测试(DET). International applicants applying to Centre for whom English is not their first language must submit official results from one of these tests. 托福网考的最低要求是93分,托福基础是9分.5、雅思7分.0, 皮尔森PTE是64,DET是125.



透过“通用应用程式”向bwin体育申请, 如何帮助学生将录取流程简化到1个以上,000所学院和大学同时进行. 申请bwin体育是完全免费的!



bwin体育采取了非考试录取政策. 您可以选择提交或不提交考试成绩. 如果你选择申请而不提交考试成绩, we will weigh other parts of the application more heavily to make sure we see you in the best light. Students who choose not to submit test scores will receive full consideration for merit and premier scholarships.


Our decision to give you the opportunity to apply with or without standardized test scores is rooted in our mission to provide greater access, 公平, 以及录取过程中的个人选择. 我们希望你能够展现出最好的一面.” It is entirely up to you whether or not you choose to submit standardized test scores to Centre College. 你可以相信我们会以对你最有利的方式来评估你的申请, 不管你寄不寄成绩.

bwin体育长期以来一直依靠综合方法来审查申请, 标准化考试成绩只是审查的众多部分之一.

你可以相信我们会以对你最有利的方式来评估你的申请, 不管你寄不寄成绩. 提交标准化考试成绩在这个过程中为我们提供了额外的数据点, and we will decide after reviewing your application if including your test score improves your evaluation. 如果是,太好了! 如果没有,我们将简单地忽略分数并使用原始评估. 这个过程是为了确保你最大的利益而设计的.

如果你不提交考试成绩, 我们将更加强调其他属性, 信息, 以及包括在申请中的成就.

You may submit your standardized test scores knowing that submission of scores will never hurt and can only help the application review. 知道, 虽然, that the choice to not submit scores will not negatively impact the application review in any way.

我们的应用程序评估过程包含多个检查点. 在我们第一次读你的申请之前, our office staff diligently uploads materials and combs through the details to make sure we’re honoring your request to not consider your standardized test scores. 即使我们收到你的分数, 如果你不想让我们看到他们, 我们向你保证,在审查你的申请时,我们不会考虑他们. 你可以提交你的分数,如果你有的话. 他们不会伤害你,只会帮助你回顾你的档案.

简短的回答是“不,不完全是。.” But your assigned counselor is here to be your ally and advocate in this college process. Keep in mind that submitting standardized test scores will not in any way negatively impact the evaluation of your application. 提交你的分数只会对你有帮助. Submitting your scores allows us to make the call on whether or not to incorporate them into the review process.

在中央学院的补充部分的共同应用程序, there is a question that asks you very specifically whether or not you would like us to review your test scores as part of your file review. You may select “Yes” (which will allow us the ability to incorporate those scores if they will help your review or ignore them if they will not) or select “No.,选择“否”,” we will not factor in your standardized test scores in any way in your application review.

在您的应用程序门户中, 你会看到我们是否收到了你的申请文件的考试成绩. You are most welcome to reach out to your assigned admission counselor at any time to check on the status of these or any of your other application materials.

以便仔细和注意地审查申请, 我们甚至在规定的申请截止日期之前就开始审查完成的文件. 因为这个原因, 如果您希望更改测试计划(可选测试或包含测试), 我们要求您不迟于申请计划的申请截止日期. You should make your requests by email to the 入学 Office so that a member of our staff can give you official confirmation. 如果您在截止日期后出现并发症或改变主意,请与我们联系. 如果程序允许,我们将处理个别案件.


是的,但你应该对这些分数持保留态度.“bwin体育, 像许多其他机构一样, 作为一所新的免考学校,进入了一个未知的领域吗, 我们有信心,这些数字将会发生变化. 也就是说, our midranges for applicants last year were 26-32 (ACT) and 1200-1390 (SAT); approximately 25% of admitted students scored below the lower score while approximately 25% of admitted students scored above the higher score.



bwin体育,你在高中毕业前所做的一切都是为大学做准备. 你卓越的学历和, 如果适用的话, 大学课程, 帮助你在这里取得成功.


不管你有没有修过大学课程, 在你进入学院之前,我们会授予一定数量的学分.

We award a maximum of 24 hours of pre-matriculation credits to first-year students from all sources (e.g., Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, dual-credit, all other college credit). Students who exceed the 24-hour limit may choose which credits will be awarded and you may adjust your choices later subject to the constraints of any other College policies. We will not award credit for any course or examination completed prior to the start of your 初级 year in high school. 无论授予何种信用, students must complete at least one general education course in residence in the following three areas: social studies, 科学, 基本问题.

Centre awards a minimum of three hours of credit for scores of 4 or 5 on most Advanced Placement exams. 外语学分需要通过机构考试. 学术课程可以授予额外的学分,并指定课程的等效性.











在做录取决定时, 我们最重视高中课程的质量, 这些课程的成绩, 教师评价.


Most of our students completed high school programs with honors, advanced, AP, or IB courses. Competitive applicants will have taken the most demanding courses available at their high schools. The committee will carefully consider your high school profile and the options offered at that school.

我们使用未加权的4重新计算每个平均绩点(GPA).0规模. We include only core academic courses in the recalculation and will consider the trajectory of grades across the high school years.

bwin体育的评价过程强调稳定的参与, 领导, 以及你所参与的组织和活动的突出程度. 你还应该在你的申请表上加上你的工作经历.

这篇文章可以让招生委员会对你有一个更个人的认识. 它应该展示你写一篇精心设计的文章的能力.

We accept teacher recommendations from core academic course teachers who have taught you in your sophomore, 初级, 或者大四.


如果您希望我们在审核过程中考虑您的考试成绩, 您可以从相应的测试服务发送您的成绩报告, 包括在你的高中成绩单上, 或者发邮件到 admission@indiandonkey.com 由你的指导顾问. You can self-report scores by submitting a screenshot or PDF of the score report via email to admission@indiandonkey.com.

bwin体育负责SAT和ACT的评分, 这意味着如果你参加了不止一次的考试, 你应该提交你所有的分数, and we will add your highest section scores together to give you the highest possible combined score.

International applicants applying to Centre do not need to submit the SAT or ACT but must demonstrate proficiency in English. 托福,雅思或多邻国英语测试(DET)的官方成绩是可以接受的. 托福的最低要求是93分,雅思是7分.0, DET是125.



If you have questions or need additional 信息, please contact the 入学 Office.